Tag Archives: mass vaccination

Swine flu/new flu – what’s so new about it?


Hello world!

I guess I have more than one question – what’s so new about this swine flu AND should we get inoculated? I’m not talking about the mental inoculation, that’s happening already, slowly but surely, but should we get inoculated ALSO physically with the wonder-vaccine that’s now in the making? It seems that the name shifted from “swine flu” to “new flu” cause it’s a cocktail of swine, bird and human flu. That’s new! But what’s happening around it – I find that far from being new. The desire to manipulate the public opinion and reaction has been around for some time.    

I’ve been trying to answer my questions by reading this and that from online resources and main-stream media. The information out there is far from being consistent or comprehensive. Do you have a grasp of what’s happening?, cause I would love to hear it. The following is a brief summary of what I could read and my own opinions, so please treat it as such.

What I know is that the big Pharma have just few months to develop, test the efficacy and assess the side effects of the new vaccine. Is that enough time or…? Are we supposed to just trust they know what they are doing? Here are some things for consideration:

1) In 1976, there was a swine flu alert in the US that resulted in about 46 million people taking the vaccine shot. Not long after that few thousands of them accused neurological damages after the vaccination and claim financial compensation. Now, even if you are thinking that some of them were trying to make a buck, I would say it’s very unlikely that some thousands people would come up with such serious accusations without a real foundation. You can watch the CBS documentary on youtube


2) The World Health Organization (WHO) said that a global swine flu pandemic can be expected, but currently this flu is not more aggressive and does not result in a higher mortality than influenza. They also said that it might mutate -might- and become more aggressive. My knowledge on vaccine development is rather limited, but usually a vaccine includes strains of the virus it protects against. So, if the bugger mutates into another thing, how is the vaccine going to protect against the mutated version?

3) Which Pharma are working to develop the vaccine? Well, first of all, whoever it is, they are working under the blessing of the WHO. It’s Novartis, GlaxoSmithKline, Baxter… Hold on! Baxter?! Aren’t they..ah…?! Yes, the very same: in Spring of 2009, their facilities in Austria were involved in an incident where they shipped avian-flu vaccines ready to be used on the population to 18 countries. The incident was that these vaccines contained viable H5N1 virus strands (seems they should be inactive!) and were dangerous enough to KILL the entire lot of ferrets that were inoculated with this ready-to-be-used vaccine in a laboratory in the Czech Republic. Yeah, that’s right, the vaccine was supposed to be distributed in this form to the general population. The unfortunate incident was described by the company’s officials as a very regrettable accident!  And that was the end of it! I guess that my definition of accident goes as wide or as wild as breaking a glass or bumping into another car, but NOT dropping a bit of poison into somebody’s glass. Ooops, sorry, I thought it was cinnamon, wanted to spice up your wine a little… Anyways, joke aside, you can read it for yourselves, just Google”Baxter, march 2009, Austria”

Just follow the links below to find reading material on the subject:





4) I’m thinking: is there some big gain from making people really worried? Statements like: “we (the Government/ the Health Authority) are going to prioritize this category, this category and that one (say children, pregnant women and adults in a certain age category) because they are the most exposed and there are not enough doses yet for everybody” – what do they achieve? What is your natural reaction when you hear that? Something like “Oh, my God, what if they are not going to include me? What do I do then?!”? Probably! My guess is that you won’t be thinking – what will happen to those who get vaccinated, are there side effects for them? You just want to be included. Thus, by simply making you (us) gravitate around the fear that you’re not among the ‘chosen’ ones can beautiful take away the mind from wondering about unwanted effects.

5) There seems to be an aggressive campaign to convince people they should get vaccinated especially in the US and Western Europe but not in those countries with less money in their national wallet. Some might take this as the rich countries fighting harder and better to protect their citizens. Is it the only interpretation you can think off? Or could it be a slick way of convincing those well-off countries to spend some of their money on vaccines? Sweden, where I live, decided to buy enough for everybody – and if you think we are a small country… it’s still 9 million people x 2 doses/person. Similar decisions were made by the Netherlands, Germany, France. Speaking of France – I read that they are thinking a compulsory vaccination of everybody older than 3 months! Soooo… COMPULSORY! That means somebody is deciding for you to inoculate your body with a substance with unknown side effects or any kind of effects! Isn’t that scary? 



6) Let’s not abandon yet the subject of age: France gives the OK for all kids older than 3 months, whereas in Sweden I hear that the vaccine is not recommended for kids below the age of 2 years. At the same time, pregnant women should vaccinate. So, it’s not safe for kids under a certain age (and that age depends on the physical borders in Europe, that’s how biology works!) but OK for embryos/babies in the womb, ha?!   

7) When you read in the news a report about somebody in a serious condition due to swine-flu please check if there’s any mention on what was that person’s health before they got infected. Were they suffering from some illness, were they on some medication that could have been conflicting with the swine flu treatment they got, etc? I certainly can’t find that. Oh, I know, the newspaper has to protect the privacy of the patient, of course!

Now, before I would let anybody inject me with some stuff, I would like to know:

– what does it contain?

– what if the virus mutates – what is the vaccination worth then?

– what are the side effects?

– what does it protect me against?

– how were these last two questions answered: was it a lab test done on animals, was there a representative sample of people used – were they healthy individuals, were they young, were there children tested also – and for how long did they keep their subjects under observation? You know, sometimes the length of a study may be conveniently too short…


Be brave and think for yourself, whoever you may be!

Ionelu’s Angel

July 2009